TLS 1 2 Update for QuickBooks Desktop for Windows

A cryptographic technology called Transport Layer Security (TLS) was created to protect network communications. It protects against eavesdropping, manipulation, and other types of attacks by guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of data sent between two apps. Web surfing, email, instant messaging, and many other applications are secured using TLS, which runs at the OSI model’s transport layer.

Owing to flaws in Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) like POODLE and Heartbleed, TLS has replaced SSL. To maintain a high degree of security, software applications must support the most recent TLS versions as technology advances and security threats grow more complex.

Importance of TLS 1.2 Update for QuickBooks Desktop:

QuickBooks Desktop must be updated to enable TLS 1.2, particularly in light of the dynamic cybersecurity environment of today when threats to sensitive data are ever-present. Let’s examine this update’s importance in more detail:

  1. Increased Security: Compared to its predecessors, TLS 1.2 offers notable security improvements, such as more robust cryptographic algorithms and increased attack resistance. Businesses may strengthen the security of their financial data and transactions and lower the risk of financial fraud, unauthorized access, and data breaches by upgrading QuickBooks Desktop to include TLS 1.2.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Organizations handling sensitive financial data must adhere to laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). To safeguard consumer data, a number of legislative regimes require the usage of secure communication protocols, such as TLS 1.2. Businesses may ensure compliance with relevant rules and prevent any fines or legal liabilities by upgrading QuickBooks Desktop to include TLS 1.2.
  3. Protection Against Cyber Attacks: In today’s globally linked society, businesses of all sizes are in serious danger from cyber attacks. Attackers may try to intercept private financial information being sent between QuickBooks Desktop and other systems, including bank account information and payment information from customers. TLS 1.2 helps to reduce these dangers by encrypting data in transit and rendering it unreadable to unauthorized parties. Businesses may bolster their cyber defences and protect their financial assets by upgrading QuickBooks Desktop to include TLS 1.2.
  4. Upholding Trust and Reputation: Businesses need trust to succeed, particularly in the financial industry, where clients need their data handled sensibly and safely. A security issue or data breach brought on by antiquated software or unsafe communication methods may undermine client confidence and harm a company’s brand. Businesses may show their dedication to security and reassure clients that their financial information is safe from cyberattacks and illegal access by upgrading QuickBooks Desktop to enable TLS 1.2.
  5. Future-Proofing: As technology advances continuously, so do security risks, which are ever more complex. Businesses may assure compliance with current security standards and future-proof their systems against developing security risks by upgrading QuickBooks Desktop to include TLS 1.2. By being proactive, this method lowers the probability of security events and lessens the need for future, expensive remediation operations.
  6. Smooth Integration with Third-Party Services: To increase the capability of QuickBooks Desktop, many companies depend on integrations with third-party services, such as e-commerce platforms, payroll systems, and payment processors. TLS 1.2 or higher secure communication routes are often needed for these integrations. Businesses can ensure a smooth connection with third-party services and prevent compatibility concerns that interrupt company operations by upgrading QuickBooks Desktop to enable TLS 1.2.

Steps to Update QuickBooks Desktop for Windows to Support TLS 1.2:

  1. Verify Your Current QuickBooks Version: It’s important to know the version of QuickBooks Desktop you are presently using before moving forward with the upgrade. Usually, you can get this information by going to QuickBooks’ Help menu and choosing the “About QuickBooks” option.
  2. Assure Compatibility: Confirm that TLS 1 is compatible with the version of QuickBooks Desktop you are using.2. The majority of current QuickBooks versions support TLS 1.2; however, you may need to update to a newer version if you’re on an earlier version.
  3. Update QuickBooks Desktop: You must update QuickBooks Desktop if your current version does not support TLS 1.2 and you are not using the most recent version. In order to upgrade QuickBooks Desktop, do these steps:
  • Open QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Go to the Help menu.
  • Select “Update QuickBooks Desktop.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the latest updates.
  1. Check TLS Settings: It’s crucial to confirm that TLS 1.2 is enabled after upgrading QuickBooks Desktop. Although QuickBooks ought to utilize the most recent version of TLS by default, it’s a good idea to be sure. To verify TLS settings in QuickBooks, follow these steps:
  • Go to the Edit menu.
  • Select Preferences.
  • Choose Integrated Applications.
  • Navigate to Company Preferences.
  • Ensure that “TLS 1.2” is checked.
  • Save any changes made.
  1. Test Connection: To make sure everything is operating as it should, test your connection after upgrading QuickBooks Desktop and turning on TLS 1.2. To make sure QuickBooks is operating as it should, try running reports, accessing your business file, and carrying out other activities.
  2. Update Third-Party Apps: Make sure that any third-party programs or services you use to interface with QuickBooks Desktop also support TLS 1.2. If necessary, you may have to replace them or update them to ensure that they work with the most recent version of QuickBooks Desktop.

Additional Information on TLS:

A vital part of today’s cybersecurity architecture is TLS (Transport Layer Security), which offers a secure internet communication route. Here are some more TLS-related details:

  1. Versions of TLS: Since its launch, TLS has undergone a number of revisions, each of which fixed security flaws in the version before it. TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3 are the most widely used versions. Due to documented flaws, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are regarded as unsafe; nevertheless, TLS 1.2 and 1.3 provide significant security enhancements and are extensively used in the industry.
  2. Handshake Procedure: The TLS handshake procedure is one of the most important steps in creating a secure connection between a client and a server. During the handshake, the client and server negotiate cryptographic settings, trade cryptographic keys, and verify each other’s identities. By using this procedure, both parties may communicate securely and have confidence in the accuracy of the data being communicated.
  3. Encryption and Decryption: To encrypt and decrypt data sent between the client and server, TLS combines symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods. While asymmetric encryption techniques like RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) are used for key exchange and authentication, symmetric encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) are used to encrypt data.
  4. Forward Secrecy: Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS), sometimes referred to as Forward Secrecy (FS), is a desired feature of TLS and other cryptographic systems. Even in the event that the long-term private keys are compromised, it guarantees that every session key is unique and cannot be generated from earlier session keys. This adds another degree of protection and prevents communications from the past and future from being decrypted by unauthorized individuals.
  5. Cryptographic Hash Functions: To guarantee the integrity of transferred data, TLS employs cryptographic hash functions like SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit). By creating fixed-length hashes from variable-length input data, hash functions enable receivers to confirm that the data was not altered in transit. This lessens the chance of sensitive data being altered or tampered with without authorization.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an essential security protocol that guarantees the authenticity, integrity, and secrecy of data sent over computer networks. By comprehending its several facets, companies may implement strong security measures to safeguard confidential data and successfully reduce cybersecurity threats.

Security Benefits of TLS 1.2:

TLS 1.2 is the recommended option for protecting communication channels in contemporary applications since it provides significant security improvements over its predecessors. The following are some of TLS 1.2’s main security advantages:

  1. More robust Cryptographic Algorithms: TLS 1.2 has more robust cryptographic algorithms that provide improved defence against cryptographic assaults and brute-force attacks, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 128-bit or 256-bit keys. Because of these robust encryption techniques, data carried across the network is guaranteed to remain secret, making it far more difficult for hackers to intercept and decrypt encrypted conversations.
  2. Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS): TLS 1.2 is compatible with PFS, a cryptographic feature that guarantees that every session key is unique and cannot be generated from earlier session keys. This implies that communications from the past and the future are safe even in the event that a long-term private key is compromised. By prohibiting the retroactive decryption of intercepted communications, PFS strengthens the security of TLS 1.2 even in the event that the encryption keys are later stolen.
  3. Removal of Weak Cryptographic Primitives: TLS 1.2 discontinues support for algorithms like RC4 and MD5, as well as weak cryptographic primitives that are known to have weaknesses. The security of encrypted communications may be jeopardized by attacks against these antiquated algorithms, including as plaintext retrieval and collision attacks. TLS 1.2 lowers the possibility of cryptographic flaws and improves the communication channel’s overall security posture by removing support for weak cryptographic primitives.
  4. Increased Resistance to Protocol Downgrade Attacks: TLS 1.2 has defences against attackers trying to downgrade the protocol to unsecure variants like SSL or earlier TLS iterations. Protocol downgrade attacks use flaws in previous versions of the protocol to compel communication using less secure encryption methods and protocols. By putting protections against protocol downgrade attacks in place, TLS 1.2 ensures that communication channels are safe from exploitation by bad actors.
  5. Enhanced Security Features and Extensions: To address new threats and vulnerabilities, TLS 1.2 adds a number of security features and extensions. More muscular essential derivation functions, enhanced certificate validation procedures, and support for authenticated encryption modes are a few of them. Applications may strengthen the security of their communication channels and defend against a variety of security threats by using these security features and extensions.

TLS 1.2 provides a number of security advantages over previous versions of the protocol, such as improved security features and extensions, better cryptographic algorithms, Perfect Forward Secrecy, and the elimination of weak cryptographic primitives. Organizations may improve the security of their apps and shield confidential information from illegal access and misuse by bad actors by using TLS 1.2.


If you want to keep your financial data secure and accurate, you must update QuickBooks Desktop for Windows to enable TLS 1.2. Follow the instructions provided in this article to ensure that your QuickBooks installation is secure and up to date. Additionally, you may make more educated judgments regarding your software and network security procedures if you comprehend the significance of TLS and its function in safeguarding communications over the Internet.