Set Up QuickBooks Workforce

Setting up QuickBooks Workforce is a straightforward process that allows you to provide your employees with access to their pay stubs, W-2s, and other crucial payroll-related information. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to set up QuickBooks Workforce, ensuring you can easily manage your payroll and keep your employees informed. While this guide may reach less than 2200 words, it will provide a comprehensive overview of the setup process.

QuickBooks Workforce Overview

QuickBooks Workforce is a feature offered within QuickBooks Online Payroll, designed to simplify and streamline payroll-related processes for businesses and their employees. It is an online portal where employees can access essential payroll documents and information securely.

Critical features of QuickBooks Workforce include the ability for employees to view and download their pay stubs, access year-end tax forms such as W-2s, and review their earnings history. This self-service functionality empowers employees to independently manage their payroll-related inquiries and documents, reducing the administrative burden on employers.

Employers can easily set up QuickBooks Workforce within their QuickBooks Online Payroll accounts, inviting employees to create accounts and granting controlled access to payroll data. The platform is known for its user-friendly interface, enhancing transparency, and simplifying the payroll process. Overall, QuickBooks Workforce offers convenience, security, and efficiency in managing payroll information, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

Features of QuickBooks Workforce

QuickBooks Workforce offers a range of features designed to streamline payroll-related processes and enhance the experience for both employers and employees. Here are some key features of QuickBooks Workforce:

  1. Pay Stub Access: Employees can easily view and download their pay stubs, which contain detailed information about their earnings, deductions, and tax withholdings. This access reduces the need for physical pay stubs.
  2. W-2 Access: Employees can access their W-2 forms through QuickBooks Workforce during tax season. This feature simplifies obtaining and distributing W-2s, reducing administrative burdens for employers.
  3. Earnings History: QuickBooks Workforce provides employees with a comprehensive view of their earnings history, allowing them to track their past paychecks, bonuses, and commissions.
  4. Document Download: Employees can download and save their payroll-related documents, such as pay stubs and W-2s, for their records or tax purposes.
  5. Self-Service Tools: QuickBooks Workforce empowers employees to manage their payroll information independently, reducing the workload on HR or payroll administrators. Employees can access the information they need when they need it.
  6. Mobile Access: The platform is optimized for mobile devices, enabling employees to access payroll documents and information on smartphones and tablets. This mobile accessibility provides flexibility for on-the-go employees.
  7. Custom Branding: Employers can customize the appearance of the QuickBooks Workforce portal with their company logo and colours. This branding feature helps maintain a consistent company identity.
  8. Secure Access: QuickBooks Workforce employs strong security measures, including encryption and secure connections, to protect sensitive payroll data. It complies with various security and privacy standards to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.
  9. Notifications: Employers and employees can receive notifications when certain events occur, such as when pay stubs or W-2s are available for viewing or download.
  10. Employee Permissions: Employers can configure different access levels for employees, allowing them to control what employees can view and do within QuickBooks Workforce. This feature helps maintain data security and privacy.
  11. Year-End Tax Preparation: QuickBooks Workforce simplifies the year-end tax preparation process by providing easy access to W-2 forms. Employees can quickly retrieve their tax forms, reducing the administrative burden on employers.
  12. Paperless Solution: By providing digital access to payroll documents, QuickBooks Workforce contributes to a paperless work environment. This not only saves on printing and paper costs but also reduces the environmental impact of excessive paper usage.
  13. Consolidated Payroll Information: QuickBooks Workforce is a centralized platform where employees can access multiple types of payroll records in one place. This consolidation makes it easier for employees to find and organize their payroll information.
  14. Employee Onboarding and Removal: Employers can easily add new employees to QuickBooks Workforce and invite them to create accounts. Conversely, when employees leave the company, their access can be promptly revoked to ensure data security.

In conclusion, QuickBooks Workforce is a feature-rich solution that simplifies payroll management by offering employees self-service access to essential documents and information. It enhances transparency, reduces administrative tasks, ensures data security, and provides a user-friendly experience for employers and employees.

Setting Up QuickBooks Workforce

Follow these steps to set up QuickBooks Workforce:

  1. Ensure You Have QuickBooks Online Payroll:

Before setting up QuickBooks Workforce, you must have a QuickBooks Online Payroll subscription. If you don’t already have it, you can subscribe to QuickBooks Online Payroll by visiting the Intuit website.

  1. Enable QuickBooks Workforce:

Once you have QuickBooks Online Payroll, you need to enable QuickBooks Workforce. Here’s how:

  • Log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  • From the left-hand menu, select “Payroll” and then choose “Employees.”
  • In the “Employees” section, click “Connect to QuickBooks Workforce.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up and enable QuickBooks Workforce.
  1. Add Employees:

To provide your employees with access to QuickBooks Workforce, you need to add them to your QuickBooks Online Payroll account. Here’s how:

  • From the “Payroll” menu, select “Employees.”
  • Click “Add an employee” to add each employee to your payroll system.
  • Enter the employee’s details, including their name, address, Social Security Number, and other relevant information.
  • Make sure to input their email address, as this will be used to invite them to QuickBooks Workforce.
  1. Invite Employees to QuickBooks Workforce:

After adding employees to your QuickBooks Online Payroll account, you can invite them to QuickBooks Workforce. Here’s how:

  • From the “Payroll” menu, select “Employees.”
  • Find the employee you want to invite and click on their name.
  • In the employee’s profile, click “Invite to QuickBooks Workforce.”
  • An email invitation will be sent to the employee, allowing them to set up their QuickBooks Workforce account.
  1. Employee Setup:

Once your employees receive the invitation, they can set up their QuickBooks Workforce account. Here’s what they need to do:

  • Check their email for the invitation and click on the provided link.
  • Please create a password for their QuickBooks Workforce account.
  • Review and accept the terms of service.
  • Access their pay stubs, W-2s, and other payroll-related documents through the QuickBooks Workforce portal.
  1. Configure Settings:

QuickBooks Workforce allows you to configure various settings to meet your needs. Here are some key settings you can adjust:

  • Permissions: You can set different access levels for your employees, allowing you to control what they can view and do in QuickBooks Workforce.
  • Notifications: You can choose to receive notifications when employees view their pay stubs or W-2s, ensuring you stay informed.
  • Branding: Customize the appearance of the QuickBooks Workforce portal with your company’s logo and colour scheme to maintain a consistent brand identity.
  1. Managing QuickBooks Workforce:

Once QuickBooks Workforce is set up, you can easily manage it and provide ongoing support to your employees. Here are some management tasks you may need to perform:

  • Adding New Employees: Whenever you hire new employees, remember to add them to your QuickBooks Online Payroll account and invite them to QuickBooks Workforce.
  • Removing Employees: When employees leave your company, you can remove their access to QuickBooks Workforce to ensure the security of their data.
  • Troubleshooting: If your employees encounter issues while using QuickBooks Workforce, you can provide support or contact QuickBooks customer service.

Benefits of QuickBooks Workforce

QuickBooks Workforce, an integral feature of QuickBooks Online Payroll, offers numerous benefits for employers and employees. Here’s an in-depth look at the advantages it provides:

  1. Accessibility and Convenience: QuickBooks Workforce provides employees with easy access to their payroll-related information at any time and location with an internet connection. This accessibility eliminates the need for physical copies of pay stubs or W-2s, allowing employees to view and download their documents as needed.
  2. Enhanced Transparency: The platform promotes transparency by empowering employees to review and verify their earnings, deductions, and tax information. It ensures that employees have a clear understanding of their compensation, thereby reducing potential disputes or misunderstandings.
  3. Self-Service Empowerment: Employees gain autonomy to manage their payroll-related inquiries independently, reducing the workload on HR or administrative staff. They can access historical pay stubs, monitor their earnings, and retrieve tax forms such as W-2s without requesting these documents from the employer.
  4. Time-Saving for Employers: QuickBooks Workforce significantly reduces the time employers spend addressing employees’ payroll-related inquiries. With the self-service functionality, employees can retrieve information independently, freeing up HR and administrative personnel to focus on other essential tasks.
  5. Data Security and Compliance: The platform employs strong security measures to protect sensitive payroll information. QuickBooks Workforce uses encryption and secure connections, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of payroll data. Additionally, it adheres to various compliance standards, contributing to securing employee data.
  6. Customization and Branding: Employers can customize the appearance of the QuickBooks Workforce portal with their company logo and colours, maintaining a consistent brand identity. This personalization adds a professional touch and reinforces the company’s image.
  7. Year-End Tax Preparation Made Easy: QuickBooks Workforce simplifies the year-end tax preparation process for employees and employers. Employees can easily access and download their W-2 forms, reducing the administrative hassle of manually distributing them.
  8. Reduced Paperwork and Environmental Impact: By providing digital access to payroll documents, QuickBooks Workforce contributes to reducing paperwork in the workplace. This shift toward a paperless system is not only convenient but also environmentally friendly.
  9. Mobile-Friendly Access: The platform is optimized for mobile access, allowing employees to view their pay stubs, W-2s, and other payroll-related documents from their smartphones or tablets. This flexibility adds further convenience for on-the-go employees.
  10. Consolidated Payroll Information: QuickBooks Workforce is a centralized platform for all payroll-related documents, enabling employees to access multiple types of payroll records in one place. This consolidation simplifies the process of finding and organizing payroll information.

In summary, QuickBooks Workforce streamlines payroll processes, enhances transparency, and provides a user-friendly experience for employers and employees. It not only saves time and reduces administrative burdens but also ensures data security and compliance while offering the convenience of accessible, self-service payroll management.


Setting up QuickBooks Workforce is a valuable step for any business using QuickBooks Online Payroll. It streamlines the payroll process, enhances transparency, and saves time for both employers and employees. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly enable QuickBooks Workforce and provide your employees with easy access to their pay stubs, W-2s, and other payroll-related information.