QuickBooks Unable to Connect to Remote Server

QuickBooks is a popular accounting program for managing payroll, invoicing, and financial transactions. Users may work remotely using its desktop and internet versions. QuickBooks syncs data across devices via distant servers. Businesses need remote access to update financial records and work with accountants, bookkeepers, and team members.

Remote server connectivity issues may impede business, cause data loss, and frustrate you. This tutorial covers this issue’s typical causes and troubleshooting techniques to get QuickBooks back online.

Common Causes of QuickBooks Unable to Connect to Remote Server

QuickBooks cannot connect to a remote server until the problem is found. Many factors might cause this:

  1. Internet Connectivity Issues

Internet connection issues cause QuickBooks to fail to connect to distant servers. QuickBooks needs a strong internet connection to access your financial data server. These internet connectivity difficulties might disturb the connection:

  • Slow or Unstable Internet Connection: If your internet connection is slow or frequently drops, QuickBooks may need help establishing a reliable connection with the remote server. This can lead to timeouts and disconnections.
  • ISP Issues: Problems with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can also play a role. These issues may include outages, high latency, or bandwidth restrictions.
  • Network Configuration: Incorrect network settings on your computer or router can impact your ability to connect to the server. Firewalls, proxy settings, or DNS configurations should be checked.
  1. Firewall or Antivirus Software Blocking QuickBooks

Firewalls and antivirus software are vital for computer security. However, they may prohibit genuine apps like QuickBooks as security risks. QuickBooks may fail to connect to distant servers. You should consider:

  • Firewall Rules: Check if your firewall is blocking QuickBooks’ access to the internet. You may need to configure firewall rules to permit QuickBooks access.
  • Antivirus Software: Some programs have built-in firewalls that may block specific applications. Review your antivirus settings to ensure QuickBooks is not being obstructed.
  • Temporary Disabling: In some cases, temporarily turning off your firewall or antivirus software can help identify whether they are the root cause of the issue. However, always exercise caution when doing this and re-enable protection afterwards.
  1. Server Issues

Server issues might hinder QuickBooks’ remote server connection. Servers host your QuickBooks business file, and problems might impair the connection. Some typical server causes:

  • Server Outages: The server hosting your QuickBooks company file may experience outages or downtime, preventing QuickBooks from connecting.
  • Server Overload: If the server is running numerous resource-intensive processes, it may need help to handle QuickBooks’ requests effectively.
  • Server Updates: Ensure your server’s operating system and QuickBooks Database Server Manager are current. Outdated server software can lead to compatibility issues.
  1. QuickBooks Software Problems

Sometimes, the issue lies within the QuickBooks software itself. QuickBooks may not function correctly due to various reasons, and this can affect its ability to connect to the remote server:

  • Outdated QuickBooks: An outdated QuickBooks installation may not be compatible with the server. Regularly update QuickBooks to the latest version to address known issues.
  • Corrupted QuickBooks Installation: Corrupted installation files or configuration settings can cause problems. In such cases, repairing or reinstalling QuickBooks may be necessary.
  1. Router or Network Configuration Problems

Your local network, including your router and network settings, can be a source of connectivity issues. Ensure your network configuration is accurate:

  • Router Configuration: Check your router’s settings to ensure it’s not blocking specific ports or applications. QuickBooks typically uses ports 8019 and 56728 for communication.
  • Network Issues: Problems within your local network, such as heavy traffic, faulty hardware, or misconfigured DNS settings, can disrupt QuickBooks’ connection.
  1. User-Specific Issues

In some cases, the problem may be specific to a user account or profile on the computer:

  • User Profile Corruption: User-specific issues can arise from a corrupted user profile. Creating a new Windows user profile and attempting to connect with QuickBooks can help identify if the problem is related to a particular user account.
  • User Permissions: Ensure the user account has the necessary permissions to access and modify QuickBooks and its data.

In the following sections, we will explore each of these causes in detail and provide solutions to address them.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now, let’s delve into the steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue of QuickBooks being unable to connect to a remote server:

Step 1: Check your Internet Connection

Before investigating QuickBooks or server-related issues, ensure your internet connection is stable. You can perform the following checks:

  • Try accessing other websites or services to verify your internet connectivity.
  • Restart your modem and router to resolve any temporary network issues.
  • If you use a wired connection, check the cables for damage and ensure they are securely connected.

If your internet connection is not the problem, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Verify Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Firewalls and antivirus software are designed to protect your computer, but they can sometimes block QuickBooks unintentionally. To resolve this, you can:

  • Check the firewall and antivirus settings to see if QuickBooks is being blocked.
  • Create exceptions or rules in your security software to allow QuickBooks to access the internet.
  • Turn off your firewall and antivirus software to check if QuickBooks can connect to the remote server. Be cautious when doing this, and remember to re-enable the protection afterwards.

Step 3: Examine Server Issues

If the problem persists, it may be related to the server that hosts your QuickBooks company file. In this case, you should:

  • Verify that the server is powered on and connected to the network.
  • Check for updates or patches for the server’s operating system or QuickBooks Database Server Manager.
  • Ensure the server is not overwhelmed by other processes, which can impact QuickBooks’ performance.

If server issues are not the cause, move on to the next step.

Step 4: Investigate QuickBooks Software Problems

Sometimes, issues with the QuickBooks software itself can lead to connection problems. To address this:

  • Update QuickBooks to the latest version available.
  • Repair the QuickBooks installation if you suspect that the software is corrupted.
  • Uninstall and reinstall QuickBooks if repair does not resolve the issue.

Step 5: Review Router and Network Configuration

Issues with your router or network settings can disrupt the connection between QuickBooks and the remote server. To resolve these problems:

  • Check your router’s configuration and ensure ports 8019 and 56728 are open.
  • Examine network settings, and if necessary, reset your network configuration to default settings.

If network configuration issues persist, proceed to the next step.

Step 6: Check for User-Specific Issues

Sometimes, the issue may be specific to a user account or profile. To determine if this is the case:

  • Create a new Windows user profile and attempt to connect to the remote server using QuickBooks. If it works, the problem may be user-specific.
  • If a specific user profile is causing the issue, consider using a different profile to access QuickBooks.

If none of the above steps resolve the problem, you may need to explore advanced troubleshooting options.

Advanced Troubleshooting

Complex QuickBooks remote server connection difficulties may be found and fixed with advanced troubleshooting. If simple troubleshooting fails, try these additional methods:

  1. Update QuickBooks and Network Components

Frequently, connectivity problems are addressed in software updates. To ensure you are running the latest versions of QuickBooks and relevant network components:

  • QuickBooks Updates: Visit the official QuickBooks website or use the in-app update feature to download and install the latest updates. These updates often contain bug fixes and improvements related to connectivity.
  • Network Component Updates: Update the firmware or software of your networking hardware, including routers and switches. Outdated network components can contribute to connectivity issues.
  1. Reconfigure QuickBooks Database Server Manager

QuickBooks Database Server Manager is a critical tool for multi-user access. Reconfiguring it can resolve server-related connectivity problems:

  • Database Server Manager Configuration: Open the Database Server Manager and ensure it is correctly set up to share your QuickBooks company file. Verify that the folder containing the company file is shared and accessible.
  • Database Server Manager Updates: Check for updates for the QuickBooks Database Server Manager and apply them if available. Updates may include enhancements that address connectivity issues.
  1. Reset the Windows Firewall Settings

If the Windows Firewall is interfering with QuickBooks’ ability to connect to a remote server, you can reset its settings to default:

  • Reset Windows Firewall: Open the Control Panel, navigate to the Windows Firewall settings, and choose the option to reset the firewall to its default settings. Afterwards, configure the firewall to allow QuickBooks access to the internet.
  1. Test QuickBooks Database Server Manager

QuickBooks provides a diagnostic tool that can help identify and fix issues with the Database Server Manager:

  • QuickBooks Database Server Manager Diagnostic Tool: Launch this tool, and it will check the settings and configurations related to the Database Server Manager. It will also diagnose any issues that might be affecting connectivity.
  • Follow Recommendations: If the diagnostic tool identifies issues, follow its recommendations to rectify them. This may involve reconfiguration, repairs, or updates.
  1. Perform a Clean Install of QuickBooks

As a last resort, you can perform a clean uninstall and reinstall QuickBooks. This process removes all traces of the software, including corrupt files and settings that might be causing connectivity problems:

  • Backup Your Data: Before uninstalling QuickBooks, back up your company data to avoid loss.
  • Uninstall QuickBooks: Use the Windows control panel to uninstall QuickBooks.
  • Perform a Clean Install: After uninstalling, download the latest version of QuickBooks from the official website. During installation, choose the custom or clean install option. This will ensure that all previous settings and files are removed.
  • Restore Data: Once QuickBooks is reinstalled, restore your company data from the backup you created.

These advanced troubleshooting procedures may fix complicated situations that basic troubleshooting cannot. These methods let you investigate software, network, and server settings to find and repair connection issues. You may need expert help or QuickBooks customer support if you still need help with issues.

Preventive Measures

To avoid future connectivity issues with QuickBooks, consider implementing the following preventive measures:

  • Regularly update QuickBooks and related software: Keep your QuickBooks software, server software, and operating system up-to-date to benefit from bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Maintain a robust network infrastructure: Ensure your network is reliable and secure. Regularly monitor and update network components such as routers and switches.
  • Educate Users about Proper QuickBooks Usage: Train your team members or clients on using QuickBooks correctly to reduce the risk of issues caused by user errors.
  • Backup Your Data Regularly: Regular data backups will safeguard your financial information in case of unexpected problems, allowing for quick recovery.


QuickBooks is a powerful financial management tool, but connecting to a remote server may interrupt production and cause data loss. Understanding the common reasons for this problem and following this guide’s troubleshooting procedures may fix and restore the connection. Take precautionary efforts to avoid similar issues in the future and maximize QuickBooks for your financial requirements. Remember, if you can’t fix the problem yourself, acquire expert help to get QuickBooks working correctly.