QuickBooks Payroll Error Ps033

QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033 is an error code that users may encounter while downloading the latest payroll updates or opening a company file. This error can prevent users from updating their QuickBooks payroll tax tables, which is crucial for accurate payroll processing. PS033 is often accompanied by an error message, typically indicating an issue with the QuickBooks Payroll setup or the tax table files. Here are some common causes and solutions for QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033:

Symptoms of QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033

QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033 can manifest through various symptoms, signalling potential issues with the payroll setup or tax table files. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for users to resolve the underlying problems promptly. Here are the key symptoms associated with QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033:

  • Error Messages:
    • Users encountering this error often receive specific messages, with “PS033” being a familiar identifier. These messages typically appear when downloading the latest payroll updates or opening a company file.
  • Payroll Update Failures:
    • One of the primary indicators of PS033 is the inability to download and install the latest payroll updates successfully. Users may observe repeated failures when updating the payroll tax tables, which is essential for accurate payroll processing.
  • Incorrect or Delayed Tax Calculations:
    • The error can lead to issues with the calculation of payroll taxes. This can result in delayed or inaccurate tax calculations on employee paychecks, potentially leading to compliance problems with tax authorities.
  • Difficulty Opening Company Files:
    • PS033 may cause difficulties in opening QuickBooks company files. This can be particularly frustrating for users as it hampers their ability to access essential financial data and perform necessary tasks within the software.
  • Inactive Payroll Subscription Warnings:
    • QuickBooks may display warnings indicating that the payroll subscription is inactive or expired. This prompts users to renew their subscriptions to continue accessing payroll features and updates.
  • Sluggish Software Performance:
    • In some cases, the presence of PS033 may contribute to general sluggishness in the QuickBooks software. The application may respond slowly, and users may experience delays when navigating different features.
  • Verification and Rebuilding Issues:
    • Users might need help with attempting to verify or rebuild data in QuickBooks. These processes, often recommended for troubleshooting data integrity issues, may need to be improved by the presence of PS033.
  • Missing or Corrupted Files:
    • PS033 may result in missing or corrupted files related to payroll updates. This can further hinder the software’s ability to fetch and apply the latest tax table information.

Recognizing these symptoms promptly is essential for users to take the necessary steps to resolve QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033. Addressing the underlying causes, such as updating the tax tables, verifying subscription status, and ensuring accurate company information, can help restore standard functionality to QuickBooks Payroll and prevent potential compliance issues. If users need clarification about the resolution steps, seeking assistance from QuickBooks support or consulting with a professional is advisable.

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Causes of QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033

QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033 can occur due to various factors, and understanding the underlying causes is crucial for effective troubleshooting and resolution. Here are the critical causes of QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033:

  • Incorrect Service Key:
    • One common cause of PS033 is an incorrect or outdated service key. The service key is essential for authenticating and accessing payroll updates. If the key is invalid or outdated, it can lead to errors during the update process.
  • Damaged or Invalid Tax Table Files:
    • Tax tables in QuickBooks contain information about payroll tax rates and calculations. If these files are damaged or invalid, QuickBooks may struggle to apply the latest payroll updates, resulting in the PS033 error.
  • Incorrect Employer Identification Number (EIN):
    • QuickBooks uses the Employer Identification Number (EIN) to identify a business uniquely. If the EIN in your QuickBooks company file does not match the EIN provided by the IRS, it can lead to errors, including PS033.
  • Outdated QuickBooks Version:
    • Using an outdated version of QuickBooks may contribute to PS033. Keeping the software up to date is crucial to ensure compatibility with the latest payroll updates and features.
  • Corrupted QBregistration.dat File:
    • The QBregistration.dat file stores license information for QuickBooks. If this file becomes corrupted, it can lead to various errors, including PS033. Renaming the file can trigger QuickBooks to recreate it with accurate information.
  • Inactive Payroll Subscription:
    • QuickBooks may need help fetching and applying the latest payroll updates if the payroll subscription is inactive or expired. Ensuring an active and up-to-date subscription is essential for seamless payroll processing.
  • Issues with QuickBooks Company File:
    • Problems within the QuickBooks company file, such as corruption or damage, can contribute to PS033. Verifying the integrity of the company file and resolving any issues is crucial for proper functionality.
  • Internet Connection Problems:
    • A stable and reliable internet connection is necessary for downloading payroll updates. If there are issues with the internet connection, it can fail to download the latest tax tables, triggering the PS033 error.
  • Issues with CPS Folder:
    • The CPS folder contains critical files for QuickBooks Payroll updates. If there are problems with files within this folder, it can lead to errors. Renaming or recreating specific files in the CPS folder may resolve the issue.
  • Other Technical Glitches:
    • Technical glitches, such as software conflicts or issues with system resources, can also contribute to PS033. Running QuickBooks in compatibility mode or addressing other technical aspects may be necessary.

Understanding these causes allows users to address the issues leading to QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033 systematically. Following the appropriate resolution steps, such as updating service keys, verifying EIN, and ensuring a stable internet connection, can help users resolve the error and resume standard payroll processing in QuickBooks. If the issue persists, seeking assistance from QuickBooks support or consulting with a professional may be advisable.

Steps to Resolve QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033

Resolving QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033 requires a systematic approach to identify and address the underlying causes.

Step 1: Ensure QuickBooks is Updated

Updates often include fixes for known issues, and keeping your software up-to-date can prevent compatibility issues. To update QuickBooks:

  1. Go to the “Help” menu.
  2. Select “Update QuickBooks.”
  3. Choose “Update Now” and follow the on-screen instructions to download and install updates.

Step 2: Update the Payroll Tax Table

Updating the payroll tax table is crucial for accurate payroll processing:

  1. Go to the “Employees” menu.
  2. Choose “Get Payroll Updates.”
  3. Click “Download Entire Update” and follow the instructions.

Step 3: Verify Service Key

Ensure that you have the correct and up-to-date service key. You can verify and update the service key by:

  1. Launch QuickBooks and choose “Employees” from the menu.
  2. Choose “Manage Service Key” after selecting “My Payroll Service.”
  3. Check the service key and update it if necessary. You can obtain the latest service key from your Intuit account.

Step 4: Verify Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Verify that the Employer Identification Number (EIN) in your QuickBooks company file matches the EIN provided by the IRS. To check and update the EIN:

  1. Go to the “Company” menu and select “My Company.”
  2. Verify that the EIN listed matches the one on your official IRS documents.

Step 5: Check Payroll Subscription

To make sure your payroll subscription is current and valid, please check its status. Use the Intuit website to renew it if it’s not in use:

  1. Log in to your Intuit account on the Intuit website.
  2. Go to the area labeled “Products & Services.”
  3. Locate your payroll subscription and ensure it is active.

Step 6: Rename QBregistration.dat File

The QBregistration.dat file stores license information. Renaming this file can resolve issues related to license information. Follow these steps:

  1. Close QuickBooks.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing QBregistration.dat. The default path is C:\ProgramData\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks.
  3. Rename QBregistration.dat to Q Bregistration. old.
  4. Open QuickBooks and it will create a new QBregistration.dat file.

Step 7: Check CPS Folder

The CPS folder contains critical files for QuickBooks Payroll updates. If there are issues with files within this folder, it can lead to errors. Follow these steps:

  1. Close QuickBooks.
  2. Navigate to the CPS folder. The default path is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\Components\Payroll\CPS.
  3. Rename the CPS folder to CPSOLD.
  4. Open QuickBooks and attempt to update the payroll again.

Step 8: Run the QuickBooks Repair Tool

QuickBooks provides a Repair Tool that automatically identifies and fixes issues with the QuickBooks installation. To run the Repair Tool:

  1. Close QuickBooks.
  2. Download and run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool from the official Intuit website.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to run the tool.

Step 9: Check Company File

Issues within the QuickBooks company file, such as corruption or damage, can contribute to PS033.

  1. Open QuickBooks and go to the “File” menu.
  2. Select “Utilities” and then “Verify Data.”
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to check for data integrity issues.
  4. If issues are found, follow the prompts to rebuild the data.

Step 10: Check Internet Connection

A stable and reliable internet connection is necessary for downloading payroll updates.

  1. Check your internet connection by opening a web browser and navigating to a website.
  2. If there are connection issues, troubleshoot your internet connection.

Step 11: Contact QuickBooks Support

If the issue persists after completing the above steps, it’s advisable to contact QuickBooks support for further assistance. Intuit’s support team can provide specialized help based on the specifics of your situation.

Remember to create a backup of your company file before making significant changes or updates to protect your data. Additionally, if you are uncomfortable performing these steps independently, consider seeking assistance from a professional with expertise in QuickBooks and payroll processing.


QuickBooks Payroll Error PS033 can be resolved by following the steps mentioned above. Keeping your QuickBooks software updated is essential, as well as ensuring your payroll subscription is active. If you encounter persistent issues, contacting QuickBooks support or consulting with a professional may be necessary for a more in-depth resolution.