QuickBooks Error 361

QuickBooks is a widely trusted and influential accounting software businesses and individuals use for effective financial management. However, like any software, QuickBooks can sometimes encounter errors that can disrupt your workflow. QuickBooks Error 361 is one such issue that users may come across. This comprehensive guide will delve into the causes, solutions, and prevention of QuickBooks Error 361 to help you address and mitigate this issue effectively.

Understanding QuickBooks Error 361

QuickBooks Error 361 is a common issue encountered when attempting to link or update a bank or credit card account in QuickBooks Online. It is related to Online Services Update (OLSU) and typically disrupts the synchronization of financial data. The error message often specifies the impacted bank or credit card account.

Causes include temporary bank website issues, incorrect login credentials, bank account changes, bank terms and conditions updates, or the bank not being supported for online services. Troubleshooting involves checking the bank’s website status, updating login credentials, reviewing bank account changes, accepting new terms, disabling and re-enabling online services, and deactivating/reactivating the account. Prevention measures include keeping login credentials current, checking for bank updates, choosing supported banks, regular data backups, and staying informed about QuickBooks errors. Understanding and addressing Error 361 is essential for maintaining the integrity of financial records in QuickBooks.

Causes of QuickBooks Error 361

QuickBooks Error 361 is a banking-related issue that can disrupt the process of connecting or updating your bank or credit card accounts within QuickBooks Online. Understanding the underlying causes of this error is crucial to troubleshoot and prevent its occurrence effectively. Here are the primary causes of QuickBooks Error 361

  1. Temporary Bank Website Outage:

Sometimes, the error might not be on your end. It can result from temporary technical issues on your bank’s website. QuickBooks cannot access your financial data during these outages, leading to Error 361. The bank typically resolves these outages within a short time.

  1. Incorrect Login Credentials:

Accurate login credentials are essential for a seamless connection between your bank and QuickBooks. Entering outdated or incorrect username or password details can trigger Error 361. This issue might arise if you’ve recently changed your login information but didn’t update it in QuickBooks.

  1. Bank Account Changes:

Changes made to your bank account, such as a new account number or the closure of an old account, can disrupt the connection between QuickBooks and your bank. If the account information in QuickBooks doesn’t match the bank’s records, you may encounter Error 361.

  1. Bank’s Terms and Conditions Update:

Banks periodically update their terms and conditions. To ensure that your financial data remains secure and compliant with these changes, they may require users to accept new terms and conditions within their online banking accounts. Failure to do so can result in Error 361 when QuickBooks attempts to access your account.

  1. Bank Not Supported:

Some banks are not supported for online services in QuickBooks. If you try to connect an unsupported bank, you may encounter Error 361. It’s essential to check QuickBooks’ list of supported banks before linking an account.

  1. Bank Security Measures:

To enhance security, some banks employ advanced security features that can hinder the connection with third-party applications like QuickBooks. These additional security measures may require extra verification steps, such as multi-factor authentication or one-time passcodes, which can disrupt the connection.

  1. Software Compatibility Issues:

Sometimes, Error 361 may occur due to compatibility issues between QuickBooks and your operating system. Outdated software or conflicts with other applications running on your computer can also contribute to this error.

Understanding the root causes of QuickBooks Error 361 is the first step in resolving the issue. By pinpointing the specific cause, you can apply the appropriate solutions and preventive measures to ensure smooth and uninterrupted synchronization of your financial data between QuickBooks and your bank or credit card accounts. Whether it’s updating your login credentials, adapting to bank policy changes, or seeking support for unsupported banks, addressing the underlying causes can help you avoid this error in the future.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 361

Here’s a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and resolve QuickBooks Error 361:

Step 1: Check the Bank’s Website Status

  • Before proceeding, ensure that your bank’s website is functioning correctly. You can do this by visiting the bank’s website directly.

Step 2: Update Your Bank Login Credentials

  • Verify and update your bank login credentials within QuickBooks. Ensure they match your bank’s login information precisely.

Step 3: Review Bank Account Changes

  • If you recently changed your bank account, update the information in QuickBooks to reflect these changes accurately.

Step 4: Accept New Bank Terms

  • If your bank has updated its terms and conditions, log in to your online banking account and accept the new terms. This step may be required to re-establish the connection.

Step 5: Disable and Re-enable Online Services

  • In QuickBooks, navigate to the affected bank account and turn off online services. Wait for a while and then re-enable online services to refresh the connection.

Step 6: Deactivate and Reactivate the Account

  • Deactivate the affected bank account in QuickBooks and then reactivate it. This can reset the connection and often resolves the issue.

Step 7: Contact QuickBooks Support

  • If none of the above steps work, it’s advisable to contact QuickBooks support for specialized assistance. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Preventing QuickBooks Error 361

Preventing QuickBooks Error 361 is a proactive approach to maintaining a seamless connection between your bank or credit card accounts and QuickBooks Online. This error, often linked to Online Services Update (OLSU), can disrupt the synchronization of financial data. To avoid encountering Error 361, consider the following preventive measures:

  1. Regularly Update Login Credentials:
  • Ensure that your login credentials for your bank and credit card account in QuickBooks are accurate and up-to-date. Whenever you change your login information, promptly update it in QuickBooks to maintain a consistent connection.
  1. Check for Bank Updates:
  • Periodically visit your bank’s website for updates to their terms and conditions or any changes to their online service requirements. Staying informed about your bank’s policies can help you adapt to these changes before they lead to errors.
  1. Choose Supported Banks:
  • Before connecting a bank or credit card account to QuickBooks Online, confirm that the financial institution is on QuickBooks’ list of supported banks for online services. Attempting to link an unsupported bank can result in Error 361. Verify compatibility before proceeding.
  1. Regularly Backup Financial Data:
  • Regular data backups are a good practice in QuickBooks. Create backups of your financial data to safeguard your records in case of unexpected errors or data loss. Having secure backups can help you quickly recover from issues like Error 361.
  1. Stay Informed:
  • Stay updated and informed about common QuickBooks errors, their causes, and solutions. Explore resources like user guides, community forums, and Intuit’s official website for the latest troubleshooting and error prevention information.
  1. Use Official QuickBooks Tools:
  • When changing your bank or credit card account settings, rely on official QuickBooks tools and features for online services. These tools are designed to work seamlessly with the software and are less likely to lead to errors like Error 361.
  1. Active Bank Communication:
  • Keep open lines of communication with your bank. If you anticipate changes in your account, such as new terms and conditions, contact the bank’s customer support to understand the implications and how these changes may affect your interaction with QuickBooks.
  1. Check for Bank Security Measures:
  • Be aware of any enhanced security measures your bank may introduce, such as multi-factor authentication or one-time passcodes. These additional security layers are for your protection, but you must understand how they affect your QuickBooks integration and take the necessary steps to ensure compatibility.

Following these preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of encountering QuickBooks Error 361. Regularly updating your login credentials, verifying your bank’s terms and conditions, and staying informed about supported banks and error prevention strategies will help maintain a seamless connection between your financial accounts and QuickBooks Online. Proactively managing your financial data and preventing errors will contribute to a more efficient and error-free accounting experience.


QuickBooks Error 361, though a common and occasionally frustrating issue, can be effectively understood, addressed, and prevented. You can navigate past this error by recognizing its causes, such as temporary bank website outages, incorrect login credentials, account changes, or terms and conditions updates.

Our guide has detailed the causes and the solutions to QuickBooks Error 361, providing a comprehensive understanding of the issue and how to troubleshoot it effectively. We have also highlighted critical preventive measures to maintain a seamless connection between your financial accounts and QuickBooks Online, including staying informed about supported banks, regularly updating login credentials, and backing up your financial data.

By combining proactive prevention and a well-informed approach, you can minimize the likelihood of encountering Error 361 in your QuickBooks experience. This ensures uninterrupted financial data synchronization and contributes to a more efficient and error-free accounting process