QuickBooks Error 1328 

QuickBooks Desktop customers often experience Error 1328 while installing, updating, repairing, or uninstalling software. This error frequently hinders software installation or updating due to installation or update issues. In this article, we’ll discuss QuickBooks Error 1328’s causes and provide step-by-step solutions.

Understanding QuickBooks Error 1328:

QuickBooks Error 1328 often comes with a warning stating: “Error updating file [file name]. Check that the file exists and is accessible. or System error 1328: C:\config.msi\PT**. The TMP file update failed. Check sure the file exists and is accessible.”

QuickBooks Desktop may display this error message during installation, upgrading, Repair, or uninstallation. It signals a file update issue caused by several circumstances, including:

  1. One of the most prevalent reasons for QuickBooks Error 1328 is faulty installation files. Incomplete installation, stopped installation, or an issue with the downloaded installation file might cause this.
  2. Error 1328 may occur if the user account used to install or update QuickBooks does not have adequate rights to alter specific files or directories.
  3. Virus or Malware Infections: Computer malware might disrupt QuickBooks installation or updates, resulting in Error 1328.
  4. Using outdated Windows or QuickBooks could cause this problem. Your operating system and QuickBooks software must be updated to prevent compatibility difficulties.

Resolving QuickBooks Error 1328:

 A methodical approach to troubleshooting is necessary to properly discover and fix the underlying causes of QuickBooks Error 1328. In this section, we’ll go over several troubleshooting techniques to assist you in fixing the issue and restarting your QuickBooks program.

  1. Turn on your computer again:

A simple yet often proper troubleshooting technique is to restart your computer. This may help delete temporary files and fix any bugs that could be the source of QuickBooks Error 1328. After restarting your computer, try installing or updating QuickBooks once again to see if the issue still exists.

  1. Open the QuickBooks Diagnostic Tool by downloading it.

The QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool is a specialist tool offered by Intuit that is intended to identify and resolve installation problems automatically. To download and use the tool, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Download the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool from the official Intuit website.
  2. To launch the utility, double-click the installation file once it has been downloaded.
  3. Adhere to the on-screen instructions to enable the program to check your system for installation problems.
  4. When the scan is finished, use the tool’s suggested troubleshooting procedures to resolve any problems found.
  5. Verify the system prerequisites:

To use QuickBooks Desktop, make sure your computer satisfies the minimal system requirements. Error 1328 is one of the installation or update issues that might result from insufficient system resources. To confirm that your machine satisfies the requirements, see the official QuickBooks system requirements documentation.

  1. Turn Off Your Antivirus Program:

Error 1328 might occur when antivirus or security software on your computer tampers with QuickBooks installation or update procedures. Turn off any security or antivirus software for the time being, then try installing or updating QuickBooks once again. After the installation or update is finished, remember to turn on the antivirus program again.

  1. Use the Selective Startup Mode to Install QuickBooks:

To isolate and identify any third-party apps or services that could be interfering with the QuickBooks installation process, you can boot your computer in Selective Startup mode. To start your computer in Selective Startup mode, follow these steps:

  1. To access the Run dialog box, press Windows + R.
  2. To access the System Configuration tool, type msconfig and hit Enter.
  3. Select the General tab from the window of System Configuration.
  4. Choose the option for Selective starting.
  5. Disable the checkbox for Load startup items.
  6. Press OK to save the changes, then click Apply.
  7. Give your PC a restart.
  8. Try installing or updating QuickBooks once again to see if the issue still exists.
  9. Rename the folder Config.msi:

Locate the config.msi folder by navigating to the directory where QuickBooks is installed (usually C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks or C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks). To fix Error 1328, rename this folder to config.msi.old. To rename the folder, do the following actions:

  1. Locate the QuickBooks installation directory by using File Explorer.
  2. Find the folder called config.msi.
  3. Select Rename with a right-click on the config.msi folder.
  4. Change the directory name to config.msi.old.
  5. Give the QuickBooks installation or update a second go.
  6. Fix the Installation of QuickBooks:

In the event that you run into Error 1328 while upgrading QuickBooks, fixing the installation can assist in fixing the problem. To fix the QuickBooks installation, do the following actions:

  1. Open the Control Panel and choose Programs and Features.
  2. From the list of installed apps, choose QuickBooks.
  3. To finish the repair procedure, click Repair and adhere to the on-screen instructions.
  4. Update QuickBooks and Windows:

Make sure the QuickBooks program and your Windows operating system are up to date. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update to install any outstanding Windows updates. Additionally, go to Help > Update QuickBooks in QuickBooks to see if there have been any changes.

You may fix QuickBooks Error 1328 by going through a number of systematic troubleshooting procedures. You can effectively address the root causes of the error and get your QuickBooks software back on track by restarting your computer, using the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool, checking your system requirements, turning off your antivirus software, booting in Selective Startup mode, renaming the config.msi folder, fixing the QuickBooks installation, and updating both Windows and QuickBooks. If you’re still having trouble, please contact QuickBooks support for further help.


To keep your QuickBooks Desktop program stable and reliable, you must take proactive steps to prevent QuickBooks Error 1328 and related installation or update issues. The following precautions will help reduce the likelihood that you will see Error 1328 in the future:

  1. Maintain Windows and QuickBooks Up to Date:

Updating your Windows operating system and QuickBooks software on a regular basis is crucial to preserving compatibility, performance, and security. Updates often include improvements, patches, and bug fixes that may help stop issues like Error 1328. For Windows and QuickBooks, turn on automatic updates to guarantee you always get the newest versions installed first.

  1. Carry Out Continual Maintenance:

Establish a regular maintenance program to ensure your computer is operating at its best. This covers chores like virus and malware detection, disk cleaning, and defragmentation. Frequent maintenance helps avoid problems that might lead to installation or update mistakes, such as damaged files, system faults, and program conflicts.

  1. Keep Appropriate Disk Space:

Make sure there is enough disk space on your computer for the QuickBooks installation files, temporary files, and updates. Error 1328 is one of the issues that might arise during the installation or update process due to insufficient disk space. Keep an eye on how much disk space you’re using and make room by removing files or applications that aren’t required.

  1. Employ Trusted Sources for Installation:

Make sure you only obtain QuickBooks installation files and updates from reputable, legitimate sources. It is advisable to refrain from obtaining QuickBooks software from unapproved or third-party websites since they could disseminate altered or fake versions that might include viruses or faults. To guarantee legitimacy and dependability, get QuickBooks software straight from the official Intuit website or authorized resellers.

  1. Keep Backups of Vital Information:

Maintain regular backups of your QuickBooks business files and other crucial information to guard against data loss in the case of unforeseen problems or mistakes. To make and keep backup copies of your data, choose dependable backup options such as external hard drives, cloud storage services, or backup software. Having a solid backup plan in place guarantees that, in an emergency, your data can be recovered swiftly.

  1. Put Security and User Permissions Into Practice:

Make sure that the user accounts on your computer possess the necessary rights to install, update, and alter the QuickBooks program along with its associated files. To strengthen security and stop illegal access, trustworthy people must have administrator capabilities and implement strong password rules. Protecting your QuickBooks software and data from harmful actions and unauthorized modifications is made more accessible by implementing user permissions and security measures.

  1. Track the Health and Performance of the System:

Keep an eye on the functionality and condition of your computer system on a regular basis to see any problems early on and take preventative action. Make use of diagnostic tools and system monitoring tools to look for software bugs, hardware malfunctions, and performance bottlenecks. Deal with any anomalies or red flags as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming worse and causing more significant issues that might interfere with QuickBooks’ ability to function.

You may significantly lessen the chance of running into QuickBooks Error 1328 and related installation or update issues by taking these preventative steps. The stability and dependability of your QuickBooks software is dependent on a number of factors, including keeping your Windows and QuickBooks systems up to date, doing routine maintenance, keeping enough disk space, utilizing dependable installation sources, backing up critical data, setting up user permissions and security measures, and keeping an eye on system health and performance. Through proactive error prevention, you can guarantee a trouble-free and seamless QuickBooks Desktop experience.

In summary:

Although QuickBooks Error 1328 might be annoying, it can generally be resolved with the correct troubleshooting techniques. By using the procedures described in this article, you can fix the issue and successfully install or upgrade QuickBooks Desktop on your computer. If you’re still having problems, please contact QuickBooks support for further help.