QuickBooks Crashing When Sending Email

When QuickBooks fails when an email is being sent, it may seriously interfere with your productivity and negatively affect how your company operates. Numerous things, from software bugs to incompatibilities with other apps, might lead to this problem. Maintaining QuickBooks’ flawless operation requires knowing the underlying reasons and using the appropriate fixes. This thorough tutorial will address probable reasons and troubleshooting techniques to fix the problem.

Common Causes of QuickBooks Crashing When Sending Email

  1. Outdated Software: When QuickBooks or the related email client is used with an outdated version, compatibility problems may arise that result in the software crashing.
  2. Configuring Email Preferences: Inaccurate email configuration in QuickBooks may result in crashes. This includes misconfigured server configurations or problems with email client authentication.
  3. Damaged QuickBooks Components: while QuickBooks installation files are corrupted or damaged, the program may malfunction and crash, especially while sending emails.
  4. Third-Party Applications: QuickBooks’s email functionality may be hampered by conflicts with other programs, especially firewalls or antivirus software.
  5. Windows Operating System Issues: QuickBooks’ performance may also be impacted by Windows operating system issues, including damaged system files or missing updates.
  6. Issues with the Email Client: When QuickBooks tries to send an email, issues with Outlook or Webmail may cause the client to crash.

Troubleshooting Steps

QuickBooks crashes while an email is being sent, which interferes with workflow and impacts company operations. In order to resolve this problem as soon as possible, it is necessary to comprehend its possible causes and to follow the proper troubleshooting procedures methodically. The following comprehensive methods will help you address the issue quickly:

  1. Send client emails and update QuickBooks

Crashing occurs often due to outdated software. Make sure that the most recent versions of QuickBooks and your email program (such as Microsoft Outlook) are installed.

  • Revise QuickBooks:
  • Launch QuickBooks.
  • Select Help > QuickBooks Desktop Update.
  • To install updates, click Update Now and adhere to the directions.

Open your email client. • Update your email client.

  • Go to the update area, which is often located in the Help or About menu.
  • Look for updates and install them if any are available.
  1. Check QuickBooks’ Email Preferences

An email preference error may cause QuickBooks to crash. Therefore, it is imperative that these settings be checked and adjusted.

  • Launch QuickBooks.
  • Select Preferences under Edit.

Choose Send Forms, which is located on the left side.

  • Select the appropriate email program (WebMail, Outlook, etc.).
  • Check the correctness of the server settings (SMTP, port numbers, etc.).
  1. Fix the Installation of QuickBooks

Crashing QuickBooks files is a possibility. Fixing the QuickBooks installation may fix these kinds of problems.

  • Slide the Control Panel open.
  • Select Features and Programs.
  • Locate and choose QuickBooks, then click Change or Uninstall.
  • Select Repair, then follow the directions shown on the screen to finish the repair procedure.
  1. Look for Application Conflicts with Third Parties

QuickBooks may encounter disruptions from other applications, particularly firewalls and antivirus programs.

  • Turn Off Your Firewall and Antivirus: Turn off your firewall and antivirus program momentarily.
  • To test whether the problem still exists, try sending an email from QuickBooks.
  • Add Exceptions: Include QuickBooks and your email program in the list of exceptions that your firewall or antivirus program allows.
  1. Upgrade the Windows OS

Outdated or damaged Windows system files may impact QuickBooks functionality.

  • Select Windows Update under Settings > Update & Security.
  • Install any updates that are available after checking for them.
  1. Modify the Email Client

Crashing may occur from email client issues. Try resetting the email client.

Reinstall the email client: Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features and uninstall the email client.

  • Go to the official website, download, and install the most recent version of the email client.

Reconfigure Email Account: Reconfigure your email account in the client, making sure that all of the settings are in place.

  1. Launch the Tool Hub for QuickBooks

QuickBooks Tool Hub is capable of identifying and resolving typical problems.

  • Download QuickBooks Tool Hub: The most recent version of QuickBooks Tool Hub can be downloaded from the official Intuit website.

After installing, launch the tool.

Launch the Program Problems Tool by selecting the Program Problems tab in QuickBooks Tool Hub.

  • Use the Quick Fix My Program function and adhere to the guidelines.
  1. Make a New User Profile in Windows

To find out whether the problem is with the existing profile, you may create a new Windows user profile.

  • Select Settings > Accounts > Family & other users to create a new user.
  • To add a new user, click Add someone else to this computer and follow the instructions.
  • Register and Conduct a Test:
  • Use the new user profile to log in.
  • Launch QuickBooks and try sending an email.

  1. Reinstall QuickBooks

It could be essential to do a clean QuickBooks installation if previous attempts fail.

  • Remove QuickBooks:
  • Choose QuickBooks from the Control Panel > Programs & Features menu, then click Uninstall.
  • Save and Reinstall:
  • Go to the Intuit website and download the most recent version of QuickBooks.
  • Install QuickBooks and attempt emailing someone once again.

The problem of QuickBooks crashing while sending emails may be addressed and resolved by methodically following these troubleshooting methods. Maintaining efficient QuickBooks operations requires checking settings, keeping software updated, and resolving any possible issues with third-party apps.

Advanced Solutions

In the event that the following sophisticated fixes don’t work, try the following simple troubleshooting steps:

  1. Launch the QuickBooks Tool Hub first.

QuickBooks Tool Hub may assist in identifying and resolving common issues:

  • get and Install Tool Hub: Visit the official Intuit website to get the most recent version of QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  • Use the Program Issues Tool: Launch the Quick Fix My Program tool after opening QuickBooks Tool Hub and choosing Program Issues.

  1. Make a fresh Windows profile.

To find out whether the problem is with your existing profile, you may create a new Windows user profile:

  • Add a New User: To add someone else to this PC, go to Settings > Accounts > Family & other users > Add.
  • Log in and Test: Try sending an email from QuickBooks after logging in using the new user profile.

  1. Install QuickBooks again

In the event that all else fails, a fresh QuickBooks installation could be required:

  • Uninstall QuickBooks: Choose QuickBooks from the Control Panel > Programs and Features menu, then click the Uninstall button.
  • Download the Most Recent Version: Visit the official QuickBooks website to download the most recent version.

Reinstall QuickBooks and give it a try by sending an email.

Preventative Measures

 It is necessary to take preventative measures to guarantee software stability, compatibility, and correct setup in order to stop QuickBooks from crashing while sending emails. The following are essential precautions to take in order to keep QuickBooks operating smoothly and steer clear of email-related problems:

  1. Update Software Frequently to Maintain QuickBooks and Email Clients Up to Date:
  • QuickBooks: Use Help > Update QuickBooks Desktop to check for updates periodically. To guarantee you always receive the newest features and improvements, you can also turn on automatic updates.
  • Email Client: Make sure your email client—like Microsoft Outlook—is up to date at all times. Examine any changes on the official website or in the client’s settings.
  1. Keep Your Email Settings Correct

Maintain Accurate Email Preferences in QuickBooks: • Consistently check that QuickBooks’ email settings are set up appropriately. This includes verifying the port numbers, using authentication techniques, and using the SMTP server. To check and modify these options, go to Edit > Preferences > Send Forms.

  1. Schedule Regular Backups of Your QuickBooks Data Files to Prevent Data Loss. This may guard against data loss and guarantee that, in the event of crashes or other problems, you have the most current version of your files. Use third-party backup programs or QuickBooks’ built-in backup capability.
  2. Track Interactions with Third-Party Applications

Prevent Software Conflicts: • Exercise caution while installing or updating new software, especially firewalls, antivirus software, and other apps that may interact with QuickBooks. To avoid conflicts, add QuickBooks to the firewall’s and antivirus programs’ exemption lists.

  • Examine the installed applications list on a regular basis and uninstall any superfluous or perhaps incompatible software.
  1. Carry Out Continual System Upkeep

Maintain the Condition of Your Hardware and Operating System:

  • Windows Updates: Check for updates under Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update to make sure your Windows operating system is current.
  • System cleaning: To guarantee optimum performance, routine system maintenance procedures, including disk cleaning, defragmentation, and error checking, must be carried out. Utilize Windows utilities such as Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter.
  1. Educate Users on Training and Awareness: • Inform all users of the significance of maintaining software updates, setting up email accounts appropriately, and identifying any problems with third-party apps. User mistakes that might result in crashes can be avoided with training.
  2. Make use of Tool Hub for QuickBooks

Utilize Diagnostic Tools: To identify and resolve common problems, download and utilize QuickBooks Tool Hub regularly. This utility can fix issues before they cause crashes. Program Diagnostic Tool and Quick Fix My Program are two of its features.

  1. Safe Email Addresses

Boost Email Security and Performance: To avoid unwanted access and possible configuration problems, make sure your email accounts have strong passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.

  • Check and update email security settings often to make sure they follow the most recent recommendations.
  1. Improve QuickBooks Performance Configuration and Resource Management: • To prevent overtaxing the system, keep the number of open windows and open tasks in QuickBooks to a minimum.
  • Verify that your computer meets the suggested system specifications for using QuickBooks. Upgrading hardware elements like RAM and storage may also enhance performance.
  1. Reboot Systems Often

Stop Memory Leaks and Problems with Performance:

  • To fix memory leaks and reset system resources, restart QuickBooks and your computer on a regular basis. Numerous problems relating to performance may be avoided with one straightforward approach.

By taking these precautions, you may lessen the chance that QuickBooks will crash when sending emails and preserve its stability and effectiveness. A flawless QuickBooks experience requires regular updates, appropriate setup, system maintenance, user education, and the usage of diagnostic tools. By proactively handling these factors, you may reduce interruptions and guarantee that your company processes function properly.


When QuickBooks crashes when sending an email, it might not be very pleasant, but it can be fixed with methodical troubleshooting. Start with simple fixes like software updates and setting checks, then move on to more complex ones if needed. Maintaining your system and software can reduce the likelihood of running into the same problems later on.