Customize Reports In QuickBooks Desktop For Mac

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Customize Reports In QuickBooks Desktop For Mac

The accounting program QuickBooks Desktop for Mac offers users various reporting choices. These reports can help you track your business’s financial performance, make educated decisions, and comply with regulatory requirements. The pre-built reports might not, however, always satisfy your particular requirements. Because of this, QuickBooks Desktop for Mac enables you to alter reports to your liking. In this post, we’ll explore how to customize reports in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac.

Step 1: Access the Report Center

Click on the Reports option in the menu bar and select Report Center to get to the Report Center. Alternatively, you can press Command + 2 to initiate a shortcut.

Step 2: Select a Report

Choose the report you want to customize from the list of available reports. Let’s imagine, for illustration, that you want to alter the Profit and Loss report.

Step 3: Customize Report Layout

Once you have selected a report, click the Customize Report button at the top of the Report Center window. By doing this, the Customize Report window will open, allowing you to change the report’s design.

The Customize Report window has three tabs: Display, Filters, and Header/Footer. Let’s go into more detail about each of these tabs.

Display Tab

The Display option allows you to adjust the report layout. You can add or remove columns, change order, and adjust widths.

Click on the Add (+) button at the bottom of the Columns list to add a new column. A list of the accessible columns will appear as a result. Check the box next to the column you wish to add and click OK.

To remove a column, select the column in the Columns list and click on the Remove (-) button at the bottom.

To change the order of columns, pick the column in the Columns list and use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to adjust the column’s location.

Move your mouse to the column header’s right edge until a double-headed arrow appears as the cursor. This will let you change the column width. To adjust the column’s width, click and drag it.

Filters Tab

The Filters tab allows you to tailor the report’s content by adding or removing filters. With the aid of filters, you can focus the information in the report according to special requirements, such as a date period, a particular client or supplier, or a particular account.

Click the Add Filter button at the bottom of the Filters list to add a new filter. This will display a list of available filters. To add a filter, check the box next to it and click OK.

To remove a filter, choose the filter in the Filters list and click the Remove Filter button at the bottom.

To customize a filter, choose the filter in the Filters list and click the Modify button. By doing so, a window with the filter’s settings will be opened.

Header/Footer Tab

The Header/Footer option allows you to change the report’s title, subtitle, and footer. Text can be added or removed, fonts can be changed, and alignment can be changed.

To add or remove text, click on the appropriate text box and type or delete the text as needed.

Select the correct font style and size using the Font and Size drop-down choices by clicking on the corresponding text field.

To adjust alignment, click on the appropriate text box and use the Alignment drop-down menu to select the desired alignment.

Step 4: Save the Customized Report

Click the Memorize button at the top of the Customize Report window once you have completed customizing the report. This will open the Memorize Report window, where you can save the customized report.

In the Memorize Report window, you may give the report a new name, choose a category for the report, and define a default date range. You can also have the report automatically updated each time it is performed by ticking the Update Automatically box. Once you’ve made all the necessary adjustments, click OK to save the report.

Step 5: Run the Customized Report

To run the customized report, return to the Report Center and select the customized report from the list. The report will be displayed using the filters and customized layout you configured.

Some Advice for QuickBooks Desktop for Mac Custom Reports

Here are some ideas to help you modify reports effectively in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac:

Start with a standard report: It’s frequently simpler to start with a report that has already been built and has features comparable to the ones you wish to add or change.

Be selective with filters: Use filters strategically to narrow the report’s content to the specific data you need. The report may be challenging to read and interpret if there are too many filters.

Use column formatting to improve the report’s readability and appearance. Column widths and font styles can be changed.

Save customized reports: Saving customized reports allows you to retrieve them easily in the future without having to recreate them.

Experiment with alternative layouts: Try different column arrangements and filter combinations to find the best layout.

Preview reports before printing: Previewing reports before printing can help you catch errors or formatting issues and save paper and ink.


You can create reports in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac that are tailored to your particular requirements and preferences by customizing the reports. Using the Display, Filters, and Header/Footer tabs in the Customize Report window, you can adjust column arrangements, filter data, and add customized headers and footers. Saving customized reports allows you to retrieve them easily in the future, and experimenting with different layouts can help you find the format that works best for you. With the help of these suggestions, you can produce reports with a professional appearance that will enable you to monitor your company’s financial performance, make wise decisions, and adhere to regulatory requirements.