Cannot Communicate with The Company File Due to Firewall

QuickBooks is a robust accounting program that helps companies to manage their money efficiently. However, due to firewall constraints, users may have difficulties accessing the company file. We’ll review the measures users may take to solve this problem and ensure they can access their company files in this post.

A firewall is a safety measure to guard against illegal entry into a computer network. Firewalls may assist in defending against online attacks, but they can also stop legitimate activity, such as communication between QuickBooks company files. QuickBooks may give the user an error message saying, “QuickBooks is unable to communicate with your company file,” if firewall constraints prevent it from connecting to the company file.

Users may take the following actions to remedy this problem:

  1. Check firewall settings: The first step is ensuring QuickBooks is permitted access to the network by checking the firewall settings. Users must ensure that QuickBooks is included in the firewall’s exceptions list. Depending on the kind of firewall being used, there may be a difference in the method for adding exceptions. By heading to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows firewall> Allow a program or feature via Windows Firewall, users may add exceptions to Windows Firewall.
  2. Set up firewall ports: Users may need to set up the firewall ports to permit communication with QuickBooks and establish QuickBooks as an exception. Users should set the correct ports based on the function they’re attempting to utilize since QuickBooks uses multiple ports for various tasks. For instance, the user may need to open port 8019 for the QuickBooks Database Server Manager if they’re attempting to access the company file via the network.
  3. Verify antivirus software: Antivirus programs might potentially prevent the transfer of QuickBooks company files. Users should check if their antivirus program prevents access to QuickBooks or related ports. To check whether the problem is fixed, users may need to temporarily turn off their antivirus protection or add QuickBooks as an exception.
  4. Verify network settings: An erroneous network setup might also be the root of the problem. Users should check that the network’s PCs are all configured appropriately and running the same QuickBooks version. According to users, the QuickBooks Database Server Manager should be installed and active on the server computer.
  5. Use QuickBooks File Doctor: QuickBooks File Doctor is a program that may assist in identifying and resolving network problems that prohibit QuickBooks from interacting with the company file. Users may check for network problems and resolve them by downloading and running the QuickBooks File Doctor program.
  6. Use hosting: The user may need to consider hosting if they cannot view the company file. Hosting may assist in getting rid of network problems like firewall limitations that can hinder QuickBooks from accessing the company file. Users who utilize QuickBooks hosting may view their company file from any location with an internet connection by storing it on a remote server.

Users should take these procedures and adhere to best practices to guarantee trouble-free access to their company information. Among these ideal techniques are the following:

  1. Frequently back up company files: Users should frequently back up their company files to ensure they don’t lose any crucial information during a network outage or other incident.
  2. Maintain QuickBooks: QuickBooks constantly publishes upgrades to its software to fix security flaws and other problems. To reduce the likelihood of network problems, users should ensure they are using the most recent version of the program.
  3. Create strong passwords: Users should create strong passwords for their company files and QuickBooks account. The minimum length for a secure password is eight characters, and it should include a mix of capital and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters.
  4. Educate staff on best practices: It’s critical to educate them on QuickBook’s best practices, including accessing the company file and handling network difficulties. Users may lower the danger of network difficulties and guarantee that everyone can access the company file without issues by educating personnel.
  5. Use secure networks: Users should ensure they access QuickBooks through secure networks. When using a VPN or other secure network to access QuickBooks online, users should. Public Wi-Fi networks have the potential to be insecure and put the security of the company file at risk.
  6. Use multi-factor authentication: By forcing users to provide various forms of identity before gaining access to an account, multi-factor authentication (MFA) may assist in strengthening the security of QuickBooks accounts. Users should consider utilizing MFA to prevent unwanted access to their QuickBooks account and the company file.


Users should follow the instructions above to solve the problem if QuickBooks cannot communicate with the company file because of firewall limitations. Users may fix most network difficulties that prohibit QuickBooks from accessing the company file by reviewing firewall settings, adjusting firewall ports, checking antivirus software, evaluating network configuration, utilizing QuickBooks File Doctor, and employing hosting. Users should also adhere to best practices to ensure that they can access the company file without any problems. These include regularly backing up company files, keeping QuickBooks current, using strong passwords, educating staff members about best practices, using secure networks, and utilizing multi-factor authentication.